
116 Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, united kingdom, NE1 3DY

The Newcastle Quayside Centre is in a prestigious riverside location close to the River Tyne occupying three floors of a f...

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FreeIPA for Administrators

14 Hours

389 Directory Server for Administrators

14 Hours

Active Directory for Admins

21 Hours

OpenDJ for Administrators

14 Hours

OpenLDAP for Linux Systems

7 Hours

OpenLDAP Workshop

21 Hours

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Testimonials (2)

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Online Directory Services training in Newcastle, Directory Services training courses in Newcastle, Weekend Directory Services courses in Newcastle, Evening Directory Services training in Newcastle, Directory Services instructor-led in Newcastle, Online Directory Services training in Newcastle, Directory Services instructor in Newcastle, Weekend Directory Services training in Newcastle, Directory Services instructor-led in Newcastle, Directory Services one on one training in Newcastle, Directory Services classes in Newcastle, Directory Services private courses in Newcastle, Directory Services trainer in Newcastle, Directory Services on-site in Newcastle, Directory Services boot camp in Newcastle, Directory Services coaching in Newcastle, Evening Directory Services courses in Newcastle