RabbitMQ Consulting in the UK
NobleProg is experienced in supporting:
SHORT TERM ENGAGEMENTS: resolving pressing issues.
LONGER TERM ENGAGEMENTS: embedding a single or multiple consultants to help deliver projects from the initial planning stages, through to implementation and knowledge transfer.
RabbitMQ Case Studies:
Royal College of Psychiatrists
We recently successfully completed a RabbitMQ consultancy engagement for the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK:
We contacted several potential providers of RabbitMQ expertise. It was then easy to quickly settle on NobleProg to support our efforts to scale the website as they engaged immediately with asking about the steps already taken and the results of these, joining us in narrowing down the areas to investigate and ensuring they would provide the correct skillset to take the investigation further.
After the initial conversations it was agreed that someone with both a very strong RabbitMQ knowledge, but also comfortable in the .NET environment was required, and this was exactly what was provided. Having been given access to the test site and code, the NobleProg consultant swiftly identified the primary issue affecting RabbitMQ connections and offered both tactical and longer-term architectural fixes to the issue.
Having implemented the recommended RabbitMQ connection change our load testing demonstrated that the immediate issue was resolved, but there were still questions around the manageability of the site using the configuration options within the code, as well as a potential future bottleneck, beyond current usage but seen in the load testing. At this point the ability of the consultant to look beyond RabbitMQ and to quickly understand the application itself was a great help in providing not just a fix to the immediate issue, but also a significantly more manageable system with ‘tomorrow’s bottleneck’ also addressed.
At the end of the exercise, we had had the ideal experience of a consultancy that first took the time to ensure they understood the issue sufficiently to provide the correct skills, then provided the solution required as fast as practicable and within the estimated budget.
Phil Burke, Director of Information Systems Royal College of Psychiatrists
European Government Information Service
Conceive a topology for the RabbitMQ deployment that Services the functional requirements while remaining as simple and stable as possible
Meets the requirement in terms of load and absorb load spikes and meets the requirement in terms high availability
Implement Jmeter scripts (jmx files) to test load the RabbitMQ deployment
Analyse results and enhance performance following load testing
Deliverables : A document describing the conceived RabbitMQ topology A document describing the configuration of RabbitMQ for that specific topology Jmeter scripts A document describing the performance approach (how to interpret the performance and the behaviour of RabbitMQ under heavy load)
Outcome: All deliverables successfully completed.
NobleProg received feedback from the client stating that they had been very happy with the choice of consultant and the high standard of work performed. They were especially pleased with how he interacted with the team, working well alongside them, and providing a lot of ongoing added value guidance, ensuring that knowledge transfer was able to take place.
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