Course Outline

Introduction to Use Case Modeling

  • Brief background and context for use cases
  • Use case definitions, elements, and components
  • Benefits of use case modeling

    - Organizing requirements with use cases

    - Use case diagrams as a UML notation

    - Organizing the model with packages

Use case actors

  • Users and Actors
  • Business and system actors
  • Identifying actors and mapping stakeholders

Use Cases - Indentify and Describe

  • Identifying use cases and writing description
  • Use Case Controls:

    - preconditions

    - postconditions

    - assumptions

    - scenarios

Use Case Scenarios

  • Main success scenario
  • Alternates and exceptions
  • Indicating iteration

Advanced Techniques

  • <<include>> relationship
  • <<exclude>> relationship
  • Generalization
  • Specialization
  • Multiplicity

Practical Use Cases Concepts

  • Flows of events and their purpose: primary, alternate, and exception paths
  • Methods for documenting primary flows
  • Documenting alternate and exception flows
  • Documenting scenarios
  • Narrative flow examples
  • Use Cases and Test Cases

    - Relationship between use cases and test cases/scenarios

    - Translating use cases into test cases

    - Use cases and user interfaces/prototyping

    - Prototyping roles, preparation, and execution

  • UML Concepts

    - UML notation

    - Class and object relationships

    - Extracting classes from use cases

    - Verifying a class: attributes, operations, and associations/multiplicity

    - Include relationship and example

    - Referring to includes in flows

    - Extend relationship and example

    - Referring to extends in flows

    - Generalization relationship and example

  • Use case documentation


Experience related to software development or basic technical knowledge is not striclty required but would be beneficial to understand the concepts better.

 14 Hours

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