Course Outline

Module 1. Principles of Object Orientation

  • Creating models
  • Classes & objects
  • Encapsulation, specialisation & polymorphism

Module 2. Designing Applications with UML

  • What Is UML
  • UML Diagrams
  • Use Case Diagrams
  • Class Diagrams
  • Interaction Diagrams

Module 3. Getting Started with C#

  • C# and .Net
  • The C# Language
  • Visual Studio IDE

Module 4. C# Language Fundamentals

  • Data Types
  • Variables
  • Constants
  • Strings
  • Statements
  • Expressions

Module 5. Branching

  • Conditional branching statements
  • Unconditional branching statements
  • Loops

Module 6. Operators

  • Assignment
  • Mathematical operators
  • Increment & decrement
  • Relational

Module 7. Classes and Objects

  • Defining classes
  • Constructors
  • Static and instance members
  • Destroying objects

Module 8. Inside Methods

  • Overloading methods
  • Encapsulating data with properties
  • Returning multiple values

Module 9. Debugging

  • Setting a breakpoint
  • The Call stack

Module 10. Inheritance and Polymorphism

  • Specialisation and generalisation
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Abstract and sealed classes
  • The root class: object
  • Boxing and unboxing types

Module 11. Operator Overloading

  • Using the Operator Keyword
  • Creating Useful Operators
  • Logical pairs
  • Conversion Operators

Module 12. Structs

  • Defining a Struct

Module 13. Interfaces

  • Implementing and interface
  • Implementing more than one interface
  • Casting to an interface
  • Extending and interface

Module 14. Arrays

  • Declaring arrays
  • Multidimensional arrays
  • System.Array
  • Indexers

Module 15. Collection Interfaces and Types

  • The collection interfaces
  • Array lists
  • Queues and stacks

Module 16. Strings

  • Creating strings
  • Manipulating strings
  • The StringBuilder class

Module 17. Throwing and Catching Exceptions

  • The throw statement
  • The try and catch statement
  • How the call stack works
  • Exception class methods and properties

Module 18. Delegates and Events

  • Delegates
  • Events

Module 19. Generics

  • Generics: A Primer
  • Parameterizing by data type
  • System.Collections.Generics class


Before attending this course, students must have competency in the following areas:

  • Familiarity and comfort with basic operating system functions such as file manipulation.
  • Understanding of the basics of structured programming, including concepts such as flow control, variables and parameters, and function calls.
  • At least 3 months experience developing applications in either a graphical or non-graphical environment, or equivalent knowledge.

Experience with object-oriented programming and concepts are not required.

 35 Hours

Testimonials (1)

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