Course Outline

Introduction to the Oracle database

  • Database Architecture
  • Relational model database
  • Users diagrams sessions
  • Tools

Introduction to the SELECT statement

  • Screening and selection (WHERE clause)
  • Sorting
  • Data types, operators, and service NULL
  • Built-in scalar functions
  • Actions to date
  • National and regional settings in SQL

The analysis of aggregated data

  • Funkcje grupujące
  • Klauzula distinct
  • Klauzule GROUP BY and having

Retrieving data from multiple tables

  • Inner and outer joins (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN)
  • ANSI SQL syntax, and other methods connectors (SELF JOIN, NATURAL JOIN)
  • Collective operators (UNION, UNION ALL, INTERSECT, MINUS)


  • Subqueries simple
  • Correlated subqueries
  • Operators EXISTS and NOT EXISTS
  • Other types of subqueries

Inquiries hierarchical and samples

  • Construction of the tree (CONNECT BY PRIOR clause and START WITH)
  • Data samples (SAMPLE clause)

Data manipulation (DML)

  • Operacja na dużych zbiorach (INSERT FIRST, ALL INSERT, MERGE)

Dictionary system

Concurrent users work

  • Transactions
  • Locks

Users and Permissions

  • Creating and modifying user patterns
  • Permissions and roles

Managing data storage - logical layer

  • Tables, temporary tables, index-organized tables
  • Limitations
  • Indexes
  • The views, sequences, synonyms, materialized views
  • Units stored PL / SQL

Modeling and restore the data model using Oracle SQL Modeler

Moving Data

  • A logical copy of the data - datapump import and export
  • Loading data - sqlLoader
  • External tables
  • Links database

Automating tasks

  • dbms_jobs, dbms_scheduler


Knowledge-wide information technology.

 35 Hours

Testimonials (2)

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