Course Outline


  • Overview of Spring Integration features and architecture
  • Understanding Enterprise Integration Patterns

Getting Started

  • Setting up the system components
  • Examples and programming tips
  • Initializing a project

Creating an Enterprise Application

  • Defining the integration flow
  • Running the application
  • Testing and building the application

Implementing Messaging

  • Message channel and endpoints
  • Filtering and routing messages
  • Transforming messages

Connecting to External Systems

  • Integration endpoints
  • Using channel adapters
  • Working with web services
  • Other supported systems (JDBC, MongoDB, Redis, etc.)

Managing Messaging Flows

  • Logging and error handling
  • Configuring message history
  • Message store and metadata store
  • Metric and integration graph


Summary and Next Steps


  • Experience with Spring Framework
  • Java programming experience


  • Developers
 14 Hours