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Course Outline
Understanding Container Orchestration
- Introduction to containerization
- The role of Kubernetes in container orchestration
Kubernetes Fundamentals
- Core concepts and components of Kubernetes
- Kubernetes architecture overview
Setting Up Minikube
- Installing Minikube on different platforms
- Starting a single-node Kubernetes cluster with Minikube
Working with Kubernetes Objects
- Understanding Pods, Deployments, and Services
- Managing Kubernetes objects using kubectl
Deploying Applications on Minikube
- Creating and managing deployments
- Exposing applications using NodePort and LoadBalancer
Persistent Storage and Volumes
- Using Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
- ConfigMaps and Secrets for configuration management
Networking in Kubernetes
- Service discovery and DNS management
- Ingress controllers and Ingress resources
Advanced Minikube Features
- Enabling and using Minikube add-ons
- Setting up a local registry and using it with Minikube
Summary and Next Steps
- An understanding of basic software development principles
- Experience with command-line interfaces and Docker
- Familiarity with containerization concepts is beneficial
- Software developers
- DevOps professionals
- Technical managers
21 Hours