Course Outline

Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)

Understanding the Importance of IoT for Businesses

  • IoT Business Case Studies
  • Industrial Applications of IoT Technologies
  • IoT Service Support and Economic Impact

Understanding How Internet of Things Technologies Work

  • Basic IoT Architecture
  • IoT Components and Sensors
  • IoT Communication Protocols
  • IoT Powering Options

Overview of IoT Wireless Networks and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Communication

Exploring IoT Technologies and Research & Development Advancements

Making Business Decisions Based on IoT Platform Options and their Corresponding Cost Projections

Introduction to Augmented Reality (AR)

  • Characteristics of AR
  • AR Classifications

Understanding How Augmented Reality Can Help Businesses

  • AR Business Case Studies
  • Industrial Applications of AR

Understanding How Augmented Reality Technologies Work

Exploring Augmented Reality Applications and Business Models

Summary and Conclusion


  • Basic familiarity with Internet of Things and Augmented Reality products
 14 Hours

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