Course Outline

Course details

  • Introduction to C# and .NET: .NET Framework building blocks; Hello world in C#; Using Visual Studio 2015; Namespaces and assemblies 
  • Core C# Programming Constructs: Variables, operators, and statements; Reference types vs. value types; Conversions; Nullable types; Using the Console and String classes; Flow-of-control; Using implicit types
  • More C# Programming Constructs: Defining methods; Input, output, and optional parameters; Method overloading; Arrays; Structures
  • Defining and Using Classes: Defining classes; Defining constructors and finalizers; Defining properties; Creating and disposing objects; Defining constants and read-only fields; Static members; Partial classes/methods
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Defining base classes and derived classes; Overriding methods; Abstract classes; Interfaces
  • Exception Handling: Defining Try/Catch/Finally blocks; Throwing exceptions; Defining new exception classes; Defining Using blocks
  • Creating Collections of Objects: Overview of generics; Using List collections; Using Dictionary collections
  • What’s New in C# 6: Static using syntax; Auto-property initializers; Dictionary initializers; Exception filters; String interpolation
  • Delegates, Events, and Lambdas: Overview; Defining simple delegates; Defining and handling events; Using lambda expressions
  • Additional Language Features: Operator overloading; Extension methods; Object initializers; Anonymous types
  • Introduction to LINQ: The role of LINQ; Simple LINQ query expressions; Using LINQ with collections; LINQ query operators
  • Using the Entity Framework: EF classes and DbContext; Implementing relationships; Managing data; Additional techniques
  • Introduction to Asynchronous Programming: Understanding the async and await keywords; Implementing asynchronous code
  • Overview of MVC6: Creating an ASP.NET MVC application; Defining models, views, and controllers; Introduction to REST and Web API


  • At least 6 months programming experience
  • Familiarity with OO concepts would be an advantage
 28 Hours

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