Course Outline

Introduction to Laravel

Installing and Configuring Laravel

Installing and Configuring Tools for Developing RESTful APIs with Laravel

Overview of Laravel Features and Architecture

Reviewing the Basics of a RESTful API

Case Study for the RESTful API in Laravel

Creating and Setting the Structure of Laravel for the RESTful API

Building a RESTful API in Laravel

  • Creating Initial Laravel Components for the RESTful API
  • Implementing the RESTful API Models and Its Relationships Using Laravel Eloquent
  • Implementing and Improving Your RESTful API Operations

Handling RESTful API Errors and Exceptions

Customizing Your RESTful API in Laravel

  • Transforming API Data
  • Loading Related Data for a Primary Record
  • Returning Nested Data
  • Creating a Logging and Rate Limit Middleware

Preparing Your RESTful API for User Authentication

Testing Your RESTful API

Building a Sample Project that Uses Your RESTful API


Summary and Conclusion


  • Basic programming experience
 14 Hours

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